
陳振東 老師

學歷: 國立交通大學 工業工程與管理博士
專長: 模糊決策分析、專案管理、績效評估模式、供應鏈管理、資料探勘與資訊推薦、資訊與知識管理
辦公室: 立德樓 C1-715
電話: 037-381515
Email: ctchen@nuu.edu.tw
  1. 國立聯合大學資訊管理學系 教授(2005/8 – 至今)
  2. 國立聯合大學資訊管理學系 教授兼管理學院 院長(2008/8 – 2011/7)
  3. 國立聯合大學資訊管理學系 教授兼系主任(2006/8 – 2008/7)
模糊理論與應用專題, 生產管理資訊系統, 決策支援與商業智慧, 電子商務專題, 管理數學
  1. 陳振東、張羽欣、蘇子瑋、莊斯茜、詹茗淇,2017,時間序列法與類神經網路於股票漲跌預測比較之研究,管理資訊計算期刊,2017年第6卷,特刊2,第136-146頁。 (2017/8/1)。
  2. Chen-Tung Chen and Kai-Yi Chang, 2017, A study on the rare factors exploration of learning effectiveness by using fuzzy data mining, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(6), pp.2235-2253. (SCI). (2017/6/23)
  3. 陳振東、王怜惠、吳雅倩、倪爾瑾、王冠婷,2016,應用平衡計分卡與區間語意變數於企業績效評估模式建構之研究,台灣企業績效學刊,Vol.9, No.2, pp.87-105。
  4. 陳振東、張琬堉、廖宗詮、韓仲淳,2016,模糊資料探勘方法於影響登革熱疫情之因素關聯性分析系統設計研究,管理資訊計算期刊,2016年第5卷,特刊2,第169-178頁。 (2016/8/31)。
  5. 陳振東、傅品溱、洪偉展,2015,應用模糊語意計算於新產品開發專案評估模式建構之研究,科技管理學刊,第20卷,第4期,第29-58頁(TSSCI)。 (2015/12/30)。
  6. 陳振東、王怜惠、吳雅倩、倪爾瑾、王冠婷,2015,多面向之企業績效評估系統規劃與雛型設計研究,管理資訊計算期刊,2015年第4卷,特刊1,第223-233頁。 (2015/8/13)。
  7. Ping-Feng Pai, Chen-Tung Chen, Yu-Mei Hung, Wei-Zhan Hung and Ying-Chieh Chang, 2014, A group decision classifier with particle swarm optimization and decision tree for analyzing achievements in mathematics and science, Neural Computation and Applications. Vol.25, pp.2011-2023. (SCI, 2014/12)
  8. Chen-Tung Chen, Ping-Feng Pai and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2014, Deal with linguistic multi-criteria decision making problem based on sequential multi-person game methodology, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 8481, pp.500-510, Springer. (In Moonis Ali, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Shyi-Ming Chen and Mong-Fong Horng (Eds.), Modern Advances in Applied Intelligence). (SCI) (2014/6/4)
  9. Ping-Feng Pai, Chen-Tung Chen, and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2014, Applying linguistic information and intersection concept to improve effectiveness of multi-criteria decision analysis technology, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. Vol.13, No.2, pp.291-315. (SSCI, 2014/3)
  10. Ching-San Lin, Chen-Tung Chen, Farn-Shing Chen and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2014, A novel multi-person game approach for linguistic multi-criteria decision making problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2014, pp.1-20. (SCI, 2014/2)
  11. Chen-Tung Chen, Ping-Feng Pai and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2013, A new decision-making process for selection leader based on social network and knowledge map, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 15, No.1, pp.36-46. (SCI, 2013/3)
  12. Chen-Tung Chen, Ping-Feng Pai and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2012, A two-phase fuzzy decision-making method based on multigranular linguistic assessment, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 24, pp.7198-7213. (SSCI, 2012/6)
  13. Ching-Hsue Cheng, Chen-Tung Chen and Sue-Fen Huang, 2012, Combining Fuzzy Integral with OWA method for Evaluating Financial Performance in the Semiconductor Industry, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 21, pp.6358-6368. (SSCI, 2012/5)
  14. Chih-Cheng Lee, Chi Chiang and Chen-Tung Chen, 2012, An evaluation model of e-service quality by applying hierarchical fuzzy TOPSIS method, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 38-49. (EI, 2012/3)
  15. Chen-Tung Chen, Ping-Feng Pai and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2011, Applying linguistic VIKOR and knowledge map in personnel selection, Asia Pacific Management Review (APMR), Vol. 16, No. 4, 491-502. (TSSCI, 2011/12)
  16. Ching-San Lin, Chen-Tung Chen and Farn-Shing Chen, 2011, Fuzzy decision-making method for teaching project evaluation based on linguistic variables, American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, Vol. 11, No. 12, 667-671. (EI, 2011/12)
  17. Chen-Tung Chen, Wei-Zhan Hung and Hui-Ling Cheng, 2011, Applying linguistic PROMETHEE method in investment portfolio decision-making, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 9, No. 2, 139-148. (EI)
  18. Ching-Hsue Cheng, Sue-Fen Huang and Chen-Tung Chen, 2011, A study on enterprise performance prediction model by reducing financial ratio, Advanced Materials Research, Vols 211-212 (2011), pp.1221-1225. (EI)
  1. Chen-Tung Chen, Sue-Fen Huang and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2017, Integrating linguistic VIKOR method and social relation analysis method for ambient intelligence product project selection, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia 2017 (AMI&E-2017), Kyoto Women’s University, Japan, 21-25 August 2017. (2017/8)
  2. Chen-Tung Chen, Wei-Zhan Hung, Hui-Ling Cheng and Jheng-Han Sie, 2017, A fuzzy cognitive map model with linguistic decision information, The 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS-2017), Quebec, Canada, 17-21 July 2017. (2017/7)
  3. 陳振東、張琬堉、廖宗詮、韓仲淳,2017,應用模糊關聯方法於登革熱疫情影響因素分析系統建置之研究,2017年第十八屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會,p.42 (全文詳見論文光碟),彰化,大葉大學(2017/5/26)。
  4. 陳振東、張羽欣、蘇子瑋、莊斯茜、詹茗淇,2017,應用倒傳遞類神經網路與技術指標預測股價漲跌之研究,第28屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2017),p.183 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,政治大學(2017/5/13)。
  5. 陳振東、邱冠榮、李劭鎧、張家銘、邱閔暄,2017,應用決策樹於罹患慢性肝病預測之研究,第28屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2017),p.55 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,政治大學(2017/5/13)。
  6. 陳振東、邱燕婷,2016,動態模糊認知圖模式建構與應用之研究-以物聯網產業發展為例,2016創新發明應用研討會暨第24屆模糊理論及其應用研討會,p.64 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,長榮桂冠酒店 (2016/11/9-10)。
  7. 陳振東、張愷益,2016,應用模糊資料探勘於學習成效影響因素之研究,2016創新發明應用研討會暨第24屆模糊理論及其應用研討會,p.63 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,長榮桂冠酒店 (2016/11/9-10)。
  8. Chen-Tung Chen, Hui-Ling Cheng and Wei-Zhan Hung,, 2016, A Two-Phase Decision-Making Method for Handling The Personnel Selection Problem, The 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2016), p.9, Hunan, Chain. (2016/8/13-15. The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings)
  9. Chen-Tung Chen, Wei-Zhan Hung, Hui-Ling Cheng and Kai-Yi Chang, 2016, A consensus process for group multiple criteria decision making with different types of decision information, 28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2016), p.11, Poznan, Poland. (2016/7/3-6)
  10. Chen-Tung Chen and Kai-Yi Chang, 2016, A study on the rare items of students’ learning effectiveness by using fuzzy data mining, International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016), p.379, Okinawa, Japan. (2016/5/28- 2016/6/1)
  11. Chen-Tung Chen and Yen-Ting Chiu, 2016, A study of fuzzy cognitive map model with dynamic adjustment method for the interaction weights, International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016), p.378, Okinawa, Japan. (2016/5/28- 2016/6/1)
  12. 陳振東、張琬堉、廖宗詮、韓仲淳,2016,登革熱疫情影響因素關聯性分析系統之規畫與建置研究,2016年商管與資訊應用研討會,p.113 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,逢甲大學(2016/5/27)。
  13. 陳振東、謝秉渲、賴柏諺、陳冠成、林俊宇,2016,應用決策樹預測球隊比賽勝負之研究-以NBA為例,第27屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2016),p.67 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,靜宜大學(2016/5/21)。
  14. 林靜珊、陳振東、洪偉展,2016,高等教育機構轉型之可行性評估之研究-以養生村為例,第27屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2016),p.295 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,靜宜大學(2016/5/21)。
  15. 陳振東、邱燕婷,2016,動態模糊認知圖於產業發展評估之研究-以物聯網為例,第27屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2016),p.336 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,靜宜大學(2016/5/21)。
  16. 陳振東、張琬堉、廖宗詮、韓仲淳,2016,應用模糊資料探勘於登革熱疫情影響因素關聯性分析之研究,第十一屆國際健康資訊管理研討會(UHIMA 2016),p.45 (全文詳見論文光碟),台南,安南醫院(2016/4/23-24)。
  17. 陳振東、張愷益,2016,應用模糊理論與罕見項目關聯規則於學習成效性分析之研究,第八屆台灣商管與資訊研討會(TBI 2016),p.40 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,國立台北大學(2016/3/25)。
  18. 陳振東、張愷益,2016,應用模糊資料探勘技術於學生學習成效關聯性之研究,2016國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會,p.15 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,大同大學(2016/3/12)。
  19. 陳振東、張愷益,2015,應用資料探勘方法於學習成效影響因素探討之研究,104年中國工業工程學會年暨學術研討會,p.111 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,國立勤益科技大學(2015/12/12)。
  20. 陳振東、邱燕婷,2015,具有群體共識整合的模糊認知圖模式建構之研究,第21屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會,p.173 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,國立勤益科技大學(2015/11/27)。
  21. 黃淑芬、陳振東,2015,應用模糊TOPSIS於線上遊戲玩家偏好評估之研究,第21屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會,p.171 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,國立勤益科技大學(2015/11/27)。
  22. Chen-Tung Chen, Wei-Zhan Hung and Hui-Ling Cheng, 2015, Group decision-making model by combining interval linguistic variables with TOPSIS, 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2015), p.28, Glasgow, UK. (2015/7/12-15)
  23. 陳振東、陳泓正、郭哲宇、龔本峻,2015,應用模糊認知圖於醫療產業發展動態分析之研究,第26屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2015),p.133 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,大同大學(2015/5/23)。
  24. 陳振東、王怜惠、吳雅倩、倪爾瑾、王冠婷,2015,應用平衡計分卡與區間語意變數於企業績效評估模式建構之研究,第26屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2015),p.132 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,大同大學(2015/5/23)。
  25. 陳振東、王怜惠、吳雅倩、倪爾瑾、王冠婷,2015,以平衡計分卡為基礎之企業績效評估系統規劃與建置研究,2015年跨校聯合學術研討會,p.20 (全文詳見論文光碟),苗栗,育達科技大學(2015/5/22)。
  26. Chen-Tung Chen, Yu-Tso Chen and Yu-Ting Jhang Jian, 2014, Modelling the key factors for carpooling service by using a fuzzy cognitive map mechanism, 2014 Information Systems and International Management Forum (ISIMF 2014), p.9, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (2014/12/28-30)
  27. 陳振東、許佑任、吳奕興、陳宏邑,2014,應用灰關聯分析方法於人才媒合系統設計與開發之研究,第20屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,p.26 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,龍華科技大學(2014/12/13)。
  28. Chen-Tung Chen, Wei-Zhan Hung and Hui-Ling Cheng, 2014, Evaluating the attractive power of tourism activities based on intuitionistic TOPSIS method, 2014 International Conference on Fuzzy and Its Applications (ifuzzy2014), p.35, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2014/11/26-28. The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings)
  29. Chen-Tung Chen and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2014, An integrated decision making model for personnel evaluation and selection based on interval linguistic variables, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2014S), p.32, Hawaii, U.S.A. (2014/7/15-18. The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings)
  30. Chen-Tung Chen, Wei-Zhan Hung and Yu-Ting Jhang Jian, 2014, Applying fuzzy cognitive map for evaluating the cloud service providers, 2014中華民國系統科學與工程研討會 (NSSSE 2014), p.59 (全文詳見論文光碟),金門,金門大學 (2014/6/21-23)。
  31. Chen-Tung Chen, Ping-Feng Pai and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2014, Deal with linguistic multi-criteria decision making problem based on sequential multi-person game methodology, The 27th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2014), p.36 (Conference Program), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2014/6/4)
  32. 陳振東、許佑任、吳奕興、陳宏邑,2014,應用灰關聯分析於人才媒合決策模式之研究,2014年資訊技術應用及管理研討會,p.60 (全文詳見論文光碟),高雄,義守大學(2014/5/30)。
  33. 陳振東、李宜玲、彭如瑤、賴玫蓉、張珮珊,2014,應用層級分析法與相似度演算法於戶外運動項目評估之研究,第25屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,p.236 (全文詳見論文光碟),台中,國立中興大學(2014/5/24)。
  34. 陳振東、李宜玲、彭如瑤、賴玫蓉、張珮珊,2014,健康促進資訊服務網站系統規劃之研究-以戶外運動為例, 2014前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會(AMIT 2014),p.77(全文詳見論文光碟),苗栗,國立聯合大學(2014/5/10)。
  35. Ching-San Lin, Chen-Tung Chen and Farn-Shing Chen, Applying 2-tuple linguistic variables to access the teaching performance based on the viewpoints of students, 2013 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY 2013), p.103, National Taiwan University of Science and Tecnology, Taipei, Taiwan. (2013/12/6-8). (The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings, pp.470-474, 2013 IEEE)
  36. Chen-Tung Chen, Ching-San Lin, Farn-Shing Chen and Wei-Zhan Hung, The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of preference aggregation methods, 2013 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY 2013), p.36, National Taiwan University of Science and Tecnology, Taipei, Taiwan. (2013/12/6-8). (The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings, pp.167-170, 2013 IEEE)
  37. 陳振東、傅品溱,2013,新產品開發專案成功可能性評估模式之研究,中華民國第二十一屆模糊理論及其應用研討會,p.55(全文詳見論文光碟, pp.288-294),台北,台灣科技大學(2013/12/6-8)。
  38. 陳振東、毛哲文、吳宜嫺、黃嬿儒、劉文琪,2013,健康照護資訊服務網站的系統設計與開發,第十九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,p.94(全文詳見論文光碟),台中,台中科技大學(2013/12/7)。
  39. Chen-Tung Chen, Ping-Feng Pai and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2013, Extending the Strategy Game from Multi-Criteria Consideration with Linguistic Variables, The 9th International Conference on Natural Computation and The 10th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge discovery(FSKD’13), p.25, Shenyang, Chain. (2013/7. The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings)
  40. Chen-Tung Chen, Pen-Chen Fu and Wei-Zhan Hung, Applying Interval Linguistic Variables on Project Evaluation of New Product Development, The 4tth International Conference Asia on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation (IEMI 2013), pp.77-81, Taipei, Taiwan. ( 2013/7)
  41. Chen-Tung Chen Wei-Zhan Hung and Wen-Yan Zhang, 2013, Using interval-valued fuzzy VIKOR for cloud service provider evaluation and selection, International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2013), p.51, Bali, Indonesia. (2013/7. The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings)
  42. 陳振東、傅品溱,2013,應用模糊理論於新產品開發專案成功可能性評估模式建構之研究,第24屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,p.21 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,真理大學(2013/5)。
  43. 陳振東、林昱叡、陳 曦、洪婉寧,2013,應用連續雙人賽局之決策方法於民宿評選之研究,第24屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,p.22 (全文詳見論文光碟),台北,真理大學(2013/5)。
  44. 陳振東、毛哲文、吳宜嫺、黃嬿儒、劉文琪,2013,健康照護資訊服務網站功能規劃與設計之研究,2013前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會論文摘要集,p.56(全文詳見論文光碟),苗栗,國立聯合大學。
  45. Chen-Tung Chen and Wei-Zhan Hung, 2013, Applying linguistic multi-person multi-attribute game for product development strategy decision, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2013W), p.168, Sapporo, Japan. (2013/01). (The full paper is available from the CD of conference proceedings)
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